Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hong Kong and Lamma Island

This red snapper like fish was amazing
TsingTao beer is one of my favorites. It was so hot and humid in Hong Kong. The beer goes down easy
Razor Clams or Jackknife Clams as some may say. Whatever you call them, they were filled with sand and tasted like the bottom of the ocean. Still tasty. Remember- When in Rome.....

Monday, January 30, 2012

This is Hong Kong airport. This is a fake Island that they made for the airport. Water World

If you have ever wondered what Clam Digging looks like, here you go. People digging for clams in China

This fish tank is about 3 feet wide and it only holds 2 of these creatures. Go big

Another view of the Airport Island and of a huge sculpture in the mountains. Cable car or hike access only

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hong Kong on the mainland China side

In the background of this picture are skyscrapers on the top of this huge hill.  They are all connected so maybe you could call them one skyscraper? Most of the buildings seen here are residential. People of hong kong seem to have no personal space. Beautiful none the less.

I love the clash in architecture in Hong Kong. Old vs New. I like them both

I love this Pear Soda
View from the Intercontinental Hotel In Hong Kong. It's on the Main land side of HK so you get a great view of the city. 

Every one of these Chinese people are eating McDonalds on their lunch break. The Micky d's wasn't even that close to this park if I remember correctly.

Pop a squat. This is the reality of public toilets in HK. When you use it, it actually seems like a more natural position. Odd again

This statue is to celebrate Hong Kongs Independence From the Brits. Hong Kong is a Democracy while the rest of China is Communist. Odd

Will someone please tell me what kind of serpents these are? All I know is people eat them like we eat chicken. They look like half snake half fish
Farm Fresh. Slice em and dice em

One for the candy lover in us all. well maybe not all
When meat and produce are fresh, they need no refrigeration. Can you imagine if its your job to clean the floors and walls in this place? Let me remind you, it's over 90 degrees and as humid as I've ever felt and yes I would eat this meat. It actually seemed really fresh. Check out the tongue in the middle next to the long thin loin

Yes that's right, beef, pork, chicken hanging right next to your everyday produce that does not get cooked. Doesn't seem right to me but no one there seems to mind. 

Smoked fish. I'm sure this tastes as good as it smelled

In HK they have places for peace and nothing else. with so many people stacked on top of each other I'm sure it's important to have some peace. I felt at peace just stopping there for a brief moment

the jungle in the above pic ^^^ seems to just take over buildings like a disease. Stop fighting it for a minute and it will swallow up your building

I love Tsingtao Beer.